
Circle of Friends View details
'How can I be part of the development of young musical talent?'
YES has initiated a Circle of Friends to help fund the musical development of our students. Members of this Circle can contribute in the following ways:
Act as benefactors for individual students and follow their musical progress
The maintenance and upkeep of musical instruments can be costly. By contributing just €70 per annum, you will be able to pay for a student's yearly set of strings. Individual contributions may also go towards the cost of a good bow, which is imperative for a high quality sound. Benefactors will be notified of competitions and invited to concerts to follow the musical progress of the students they are helping to fund. Benefactors will also be acknowledged in promotional material unless stipulated otherwise.
Help to fund the cost of concert tours in Ireland and abroad
These concert tours not only provide a showcase for our talented YES Orchestra members but touring is also very important for the musical education and growth of students. The YES Orchestras have attained a high level of achievement and numerous accolades which you can read about here and here. Members of the Circle of Friends will be invited to the concerts that they have helped to fund and acknowledged in promotional material.
To join the Circle of Friends fill out our contact form here and state whether you would prefer to fund an individual student or to contribute to the cost of concert tours. Alternatively, email or phone +353 (87) 989 3751.
Fundraising View details
At YES, we organise regular fundraising events, all the proceeds of which go to the musical development of our students. These fundraising events are organised in collaboration with PAC, the Parents Association Committee, and the monies raised help to fund orchestra tours in Ireland and abroad, as well as the purchase of new bows, strings and instrument upgrades.
YES fundraises to develop the musical potential of our students in the following ways:
- PAC organises an annual fundraiser in which parents pay a participation fee to engage with their children in a fun musical event. At this year's winter fundraiser, parents will play their children's instruments and they will be graded by YES students!
- YES students bring their musical talents to the streets as buskers or take part in bag packing initiatives.
- A Circle of Friends act as benefactors, either for individual students, paying for the costs of the strings on a yearly basis and for instrument upgrades, or by contributing to the cost of concert performances in Ireland and abroad. If you would like to join the YES Circle of Friends you can learn more at the top of the page.
Family Involvement View details
The involvement of the family extends to the parents' presence in the daily life of the YES School of Music. PAC, the Parents Association Committee, consists of a number of parents who advise the Directors of the School on the day-to-day running of the School's music education outreach programs, concert preparations, fundraising, and media, as well as helping with the organisation of exchange concerts.